The ENFP and INFP types each has what the other needs:
ENFPs tend to have tons of power and undeveloped purpose,
INFPs tend to have tons of purpose and undeveloped power.
If you type as ENFP or INFP in the Myers-Briggs hegemony, I’ve automatically put you in the Emo Army, where big hearts and curious minds collide to make a fire to keep us all warm.
I guess it’s really “NFP” (iNtuitive-Feeling-Perceiver) Army since we prioritise options (P) over closure (J) and the other two “emo-idealist” types, ENFJ and INFJ, prioritise closure (J) over options (P).
Hi, I’m Owen. I’m an online counsellor and I type as INFP and I love working with radiant wanderers (ENFP) and crusading dreamers (INFP) so, if you’re the typical emo-situation in need of a miracle, like I used to be, and you want to change things, see if we’re a match.
Top image via Dmitry Tereshchenko /
Loving Advice From The Other Side
Image via pixy_nook /
This is a nonfiction account of a relay race to the light.
Buddy Wakefield
ENFP: “Will you HURRY UP? How are we supposed to FIND THE AWESOME if we don’t TRY stuff? We have to look under ALL these rocks and there are a LOT of rocks.”
INFP: “Will you SLOW DOWN? How are we supposed to FIND THE AWESOME if we don’t think about WHICH rocks to look under? We can’t POSSIBLY look under every rock and some of them might be EVIL.”
ENFP: “Wait, you just know what’s right before you try it? Are you insane? P.S. I love you.”
INFP: “Wait, you just try stuff without regard to the consequences? Are you insane? P.S. I love you.”
ENFP: “I need to do something before I know how I feel about it.”
INFP: “I need to know how I feel about something before I do it.”
ENFP: “I found all these cool rocks so I made a rock-palace. At the supermarket. Next to the cheese.”
INFP: “I wrote a poem about my dream.”
ENFP: Every. New. Fucking. Puppy.
INFP: It’s. Never. Fucking. Perfect.
ENFP: “Your past is much less important than you believe it to be.”
INFP: “Your past is much more important than you believe it to be.”
My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops holds the belt up. I’m not really sure what’s going on down there. Who’s the real hero?
Mitch Hedberg
ENFP: “You have to try more new things!”
INFP: “But how do I do that?”
INFP: “You have to be more true to yourself!”
ENFP: “But how do I do that?”
INFP: “But someone might be mean to me! Also I might die!”
ENFP: “But then I’m going to miss out!”
ENFP: “Great news! Today, I really connected with what’s important on the inside.”
INFP: “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
INFP: “Great news! Today, I took a lot of risks in the world.”
ENFP: “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Image via ilolab /
Welcome home, it’s been so long.
Tina Tran (The Art of Letting Go)
ENFP: “What a world!”
INFP: “What a terrible, beautiful world!”
ENFP: “I want to do the world.”
INFP: “I want to do me.”
ENFP: “I want to explore the world.”
INFP: “I want to explore my values.”
ENFP: “OH NO! What if what I do now LOCKS ME INTO A PARTICULAR FUTURE? I have to try more stuff.”
INFP: “OH NO! What if what I do now has VERY IMPORTANT, PERMANENT CONSEQUENCES and it’s the WRONG PATH? I have to think about this for a few years.”
ENFP: “You need to experience MORE at the perceived cost of less judgement, because it will help you become your best self faster.”
INFP: “Don’t be ridiculous.”
ENFP: “You think ALL THE TIME without acting!”
INFP: “I am thinking about IMPORTANT THINGS!”
INFP: “You need to judge MORE and be MORE choosy at the perceived cost of less experience, because it will help you learn about, and experience MORE of, all the world’s possibilities.”
ENFP: “Don’t be ridiculous.”
INFP: “You act ALL THE TIME without thinking!”
ENFP: “Hey look, I found a cool snail!”
Image via wrangel /
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Anais Nin
ENFP: “What’s next?” (evaluates possibilities in the world)
INFP: “What’s best?” (evaluates possibilities in the mind)
ENFP: “Let’s jump on a plane right now and see what happens! I’d like a real fancy flight somewhere! Who knows what new adventure pals we’d meet!
INFP: “Sometimes I want to travel the world, but then I realise I don’t actually want to. I just like imagining it! I would like an imaginary flight of fancy! Who knows what new insights I’d get!”
ENFP: “How on earth do you do what you do? Do you just sit there and think about stuff and then you magically know without actually doing it? Do you cast Spells Of Divination or something?”
INFP: “First, I authentify all the things, so then I can experience the ones that matter. Note that I sometimes don’t get around to the experiencing.”
INFP: “How on earth do you do what you do? Do you just try stuff without actually having some idea beforehand if it’s the best thing to do or not? Do you realise you might die, or even worse, someone might judge you?”
ENFP: “First, I experience all the things, so then I can decide which ones matter. Note that I sometimes don’t get around to the deciding.”
ENFP: “I go all the way around.”
INFP: “I go all the way down.”
We live in a house made of each other.
George Watsky (Tiny Glowing Screens Part 2)