This technique is used to stop the uncontrolled remembering (phobic reactions, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks) of threat-, defence-, fear-, trauma memories. It’s:
- a systematisation of a natural human process
- teachable, performable and efficacious in minutes
- been used since 1980
- unknown to the medical system
- variously named and performed
It works by triggering the reconsolidation of “bad” field memory to “neutral” observer memory. This means:
- emotional charge vanishes (because the field memory is neurologically depotentiated)
- there’s no memory loss (because all the information is retained in the observer memory)
- no false memories can be created (because no new information is introduced)
- there’s no need to talk about anything (because no knowledge of the field memory is required beyond the person who holds it)
- there’s no need to re-experience anything (because there is no re-living or imaginal exposure of the field memory)
If you’d like me to walk you through the examples, theory and instructions below, see if we’re a match.
Top photo via Osman Rana / Unsplash
Example 1: Richard Bandler
(10 mins)
Richard Bandler Overcoming bad memories live demo YouTube 2
Example 2: John Grinder
(12 mins)
NLP Double Dissociation with John Grinder
Example 3: Steve Andreas
(9 mins)
The Fast Phobia Trauma Cure Part 1
I’m glad I didn’t pay for this one.
Follow-up: Steve Andreas
(4 mins)
Original NLP Fast Phobia Cure Part 2 - 25 Year Follow Up
I still can’t believe that’s all it took to fix that. I’m still, to this day, just amazed that it was so totally gone in such a short period of time. I couldn’t believe that by doing this movie thing, that was all there was to it. There was no reaction whatsoever after 25 years. It is one of the most phenomenal things I have ever experienced in my entire lifetime.
Theory: Steve Andreas
(20 mins)
“Therapy isn’t brain science” - PTSD one session resolution
Example 4: Nigel Hetherington
(3 mins)
Fast Phobia Cure - NLP Newcastle
(7 mins)
NLP Fast Phobia Cure - NLP Practitioner Newcastle
(7 mins)
Fast Phobia Cure - Part Three
(2 mins)
Fast Phobia Cure - Part Four
Theory: Richard Bolstad
Observer memory (distanced memory where the rememberer sees themselves in the memory event …) and Field memory (where the rememberer re-experiences the memory from inside their body
accessing a memory using observer memory removes emotional response … Sigmund Freud already commented on this benefit of observer memory 100 years ago.
This distancing is the basis of the famous NLP phobia-trauma process, which rehearses the brain to reconsolidate a memory as an observer experience by having the client visualise the event happening on a movie screen.. In his book “The Trauma Trap”, Dr David Muss MD documents his extensive use of this NLP Trauma Process with victims of PTSD: A policeman involved in the Hillsborough soccer disaster describes how his flashbacks (sudden horrific memories of the trauma), insomnia and alcohol abuse disappeared after two sessions. A patient (Barbara Drake) tells how one session with Dr Muss completely resolved flashbacks and other symptoms resulting from a sexual abuse experience. … Muss did a pilot study with 70 members of the West Midlands Police Force … 19 qualified as having PTSD. … after an average of three sessions they were completely free of intrusive memories and other PTSD symptoms. Follow-up ranged from 3 months to 2 years, and all gains were sustained over that time.
Dr Richard Bolstad
Memory Reconsolidation: A New Metaphor For NLP Work
Instructions: David Muss
(14 mins)
PTSD? Depressed? Suicidal? This video could save your life or someone close to you.
… the original technique was by Bandler and Grinder, devised to treat phobias. I decided to try this out for PTSD and published the first work done on PTSD (with police followed for two years) with the technique and named it the Rewind. Since then it has been considerably modified, pared down, and also adapted to onlookers and rescue services where the technique is quite different.
Source: His comment on his other video
Instructions: The Human Givens Institute
The fast cure for phobia and trauma: evidence that it works
Example 5: Alan Jones
Bad sound:
- Fast Phobia Elimination Part1 (4 mins)
- Fast Phobia Elimination Part 2 of 5 (4 mins)
- Fast Phobia Elimination Part3 (5 mins)
- Fast Phobia Elimination Part4 (6 mins)
- Fast Phobia Elimination Part5 (3 mins)
Instructions: David Gould
Understanding the Fast Phobia Cure
Instructions: Michael Hall
Curing Phobias With Meta-States
How To Be Phobia Free – In 8 Steps
Photo via Jared Murray / Unsplash
Sometimes you never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Dr. Seuss